This is a video displaying the capabilities of the Sand Flea, a remote-controlled robot with amazing maneuverability. The Sand Flea was developed by Boston Dynamics, an engineering company that specializes in "building dynamic robots and software for human simulation." I chose this video because it demonstrates how advanced robots are becoming. The tires it uses allow it to traverse smooth pavement as well as rocky terrain. Add the ability to jump up to thirty feet, and it becomes clear that this robot could have many useful applications.
The robot in the picture to the right was also created by Boston Dynamics. This four-legged robot has been named Big Dog and has been given the title of "The Most Advanced Rough-Terrain Robot on Earth." Boston Dynamics' ultimate goal for Big Dog is to create a robot that is able to go anywhere that people and animals can go.
This robot, which was created by Honda, is called Honda's Advanced Step in Innovative MObility, or ASIMO. ASIMO can walk forward and backward, turn around corners, walk up and down stairs, and even kick a soccer ball – all with an amazing sense of agility and balance. It took Honda engineers more than fifteen years of persistent study, research, and trial and error before reaching their goal of creating the world’s most advanced humanoid robot.
This is a robotic arm that I built in a day camp that focused on robots. Putting it together was time-consuming but fun. I learned about robotic motion and how several different motor-controlled joints are needed to make a robotic arm useful. It can be tricky to use until you get used to the controls. This robotic arm was made by OWI Incorporated.
A robot in a factory setting that is similiar to the toy robotic arm is this Ford factory ABB robot. Ford has two ABB robots in their ECOBoost display at the North American International Auto Show. In addition to demonstrating their own capabilities, the robots show off new engines and transmissions from Ford and entertain guests. At the end of the demonstration, the robots finish off by doing "The Robot." It has a better range of motion than the robot arm kit and a MUCH greater lifting capacity. It can lift heavy engines and transmissions and move them into place.This is a robotic arm that I built in a day camp that focused on robots. Putting it together was time-consuming but fun. I learned about robotic motion and how several different motor-controlled joints are needed to make a robotic arm useful. It can be tricky to use until you get used to the controls. This robotic arm was made by OWI Incorporated.
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